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Coloring Backstage with Waitress' Tony Nominated Star NICK CORDERO

Waitress the Musical has been nominated for every "Best Musical" award of the season (including the Tony). The Sara Bareilles penned hit is a delicious recipe of sugar, butter and fun, in big part due to the incredible cast.

Nick Cordero (nominated for a TONY for his performance in Bullets Over Broadway) plays Earl, the horrible husband who plagues the story's protagonist (played by Jessie Mueller). He offers the necessary and believable hint of darkness.

HYC was invited backstage to talk with Cordero about his career, his acting techniques and advice, and what it's like working on the groundbreaking show.

HYC Interview Ingredients:

- 1 cup Tony Nominated performer

- 1 cup overly excited Broadway interviewer

- 1 cup master camerawoman

- 2 tablespoons of a singing fish

- 2 tablespoons of paper.

- 1 gallon of crayons

Mix ingredients on camera in a big bowl until well blended. Then pour them into your finest greased pie pan. Bake the batter on 350' in a Broadway dressing room for roughly 20 minutes.

Follow Nick on Twitter @IAmNickCordero and get tickets to WAITRESS here.

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